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Jewboy (ATOM Study Guide)

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Brand: ATOM
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SKU: SG386

'Jewboy is a film inspired by years spent driving taxis and a fascination with ultrareligious Jews.'
– Tony Krawitz, writer and director of Jewboy

Jewboy is a film about a young man who is part of an orthodox Jewish community searching for his identity in a world of conflicting attractions. He is looking for his place in the world, his family and what his faith means. Many films and stories deal with this issue, common to young people everywhere, whatever their family background and religious faith. However, Yuri's journey is complicated by the strict Orthodox Jewish world in which he has been brought up. This is a film that is both honest and confronting in the way it explores Yuri's ambivalent feelings about family, religious expectations and a yearning for intimacy and belonging. Touch is a central theme in this film.

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