Chill Out! is an interdisciplinary education resource that enables teachers to extend and incorporate the exploration of social issues and skills into the curriculum areas of:
- English
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities
- Health and Physical Education
- Values Education
Chill Out! features clips from the acclaimed children's television series Lift Off, produced for children between the ages of three to eight. Lift Off represents a high watermark in children's television, exploring educational themes in an entertaining way.
The resource also contains the Chill Out! Teachers' Guide, outlining the teaching approaches involved in using the clips to explore aspects of conflict; and practical classroom strategies with student activities that explore conflict, aggression, power, fairness and conflict resolution.
The objectives of Chill Out! are to assist children to:
- better understand their own feelings and beliefs;
- appreciate other perspectives and value difference;
- better understand the way the social world works;
- make responsible decisions about how to relate to others;
- positively express emotions;
- gain perspectives and techniques for coping with conflict and aggression;
- enhance their capacity for empathy, compassion and co-operation;
- recognise how injustice and violence occur at both individual and group levels;
- value equality and human rights;
- develop a capacity for critical and creative thinking.
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