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Tunnel Vision (ATOM Study Guide)

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SKU: SG1678
Year Levels: 7-12
Streaming Content: Tunnel Vision

East West Link was a proposed two stage, 18-kilometre, $18 billion road tollway in Melbourne, Australia.

Tunnel Vision is the story of the communities that rose up against the infrastructure project because it threatened to make Melbourne more car dependent, more congested and undermine its liveability, sustainability and environment.

This extraordinary citizens' movement saw people come together to question the dubious politics, flawed processes and narrow focus on expensive toll roads and demand improved public transport to ease congestion.

The campaign demonstrated that a healthy democracy is one in which citizens are heard and involved in decision making about their future.

The following people appear on screen in Tunnel Vision, either in interviews or archival footage or both. They are listed in order of appearance and their credentials are those that were current at the time of filming.


  • MEL GREGSON – Community activist and Tunnel Picket campaigner
  • ANTHONY MURPHY – Community activist
  • SUE JACKSON – Writer, Photographer and activist
  • HARRIET MANTELL – Founding member of Residents Against the Tunnel (RAT)
  • ADAM BRANDT – Greens federal member for Melbourne, 2010 – current
  • RICHARD WYNNE – Labor state member for Richmond, 1999 – current
  • FREDA ST. JOHN ATKIN – Yarra Campaign for Action on Transport YCAT, 2008 – 2014
  • STEPHEN JOLLY – City of Yarra councillor
  • ANTHONY MAIN – Community campaigner Tunnel Picket
  • DENIS NAPTHINE – Premier of Victoria, 2013 - 2014
  • JACKIE FRISTACKY – City of Yarra mayor, 2013 – 2014
  • DANIEL ANDREWS – Victorian Opposition Leader, 2010 – 2014, and Premier of Victoria, 2014 – current
  • SHAUN SMEDLEY – Linking Melbourne Authority
  • PHIL CLEARY – Independent politician and activist
  • JAMES MERLINO – Victorian Deputy Opposition Leader, 2012 – 2014
  • KEITH FITZGERALD – Collingwood resident and activist
  • ELLEN SANDELL – Greens state candidate for Melbourne, 2014
  • MATTHEW GUY – State Minister for Planning, 2010 – 2014
  • TONY ABBOTT – Prime Minister of Australia, 2013 – 2015
  • JOE HOCKEY – Federal Treasurer, 2013 – 2015
  • SAMANTHA CASTRO – Friends of the Earth Melbourne
  • SUE BOLTON – City of Moreland Councillor

Watch the film: Teachers are advised to preview Tunnel Vision before classroom screenings. The documentary can be accessed online here.

Curriculum Links:

As cities and communities continue to grapple with competing transport interests and solutions to congestion, Tunnel Vision explores transport in the context of liveability, sustainability and environmental health by providing an account of the East West Link. The documentary provides students with the opportunity to assess the viability and value of the road project through discussions of the proposed benefits and costs of East West Link; identify the stakeholders; and determine the likely environmental impacts and risks associated with East West Link. Tunnel Vision also explores the theme of self-empowerment and collective activism as vital elements for a healthy democracy and provides an insight into the media's role in shaping perspectives.

Activities in this study guide provide opportunities for students to:

  • respond to Tunnel Vision both personally and in detached and critical ways;
  • access, synthesise and apply information from credible sources to further their knowledge and understanding of East West Link;
  • account for different interpretations and points of view;
  • use their own written, spoken and multimodal texts to explore concepts and ideas and to clarify their own and others’ understanding.

This study guide to accompany Tunnel Vision has been written for secondary students at all levels. It provides information and suggestions for activities in Civics and Citizenship, English, Environmental Science, Geography, Legal Studies and Media.

Learning Areas:

  • Civics and Citizenship (Years 7–10)
  • English (Years 7–12)
  • Environmental Science (Years 11–12)
  • Geography (Years 7–12)
  • Legal Studies (Years 11–12)
  • Media (Years 9–12)

Teachers should consult the Australian Curriculum online at <https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au> and curriculum outlines relevant to these learning areas in their state or territory.

+ Lesson Timing

The study guide is structured as a series of lessons that address the issues and ideas explored in Tunnel Vision. The lessons, for the most part, are ordered according to the narrative arc of the documentary.

Given the variations in lesson length from school to school, teachers and the differing abilities of students, teachers need to consider the time required to complete activities before embarking on the lesson. Teachers should select information and activities that will best support their students' viewing and close analysis of the documentary.

Tunnel Vision is also available to stream for 7-day rental, 30-day rental, 1-year rental and lifetime access here.


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