The Narrow Bridge is a profound, moving and ultimately inspiring documentary. It has something vital to say about the human capacity to respond to great suffering with courage. The film focuses on four brave individuals, two women, two men, two Palestinians, two Israelis. These four remarkable people – Bassam, Meytal, Bushra and Rami – are united by bereavement, the terrible loss of loved ones in the enduring violent conflict that provides a constant backdrop to their lives. The bridge of the title is built from their grief and loss, built with effort and pain. It is a bridge to understanding, connection and reconciliation. It is a structure that is at once tentative and sturdy and, just maybe, it offers a path forward and towards peace.
Curriculum Links:
The Narrow Bridge demands to be seen by as wide an audience as possible and could be utilised in a range of contexts, including at a tertiary level; informally, in community settings such as film and discussion clubs.
The activities in this guide are aimed at middle and senior secondary students, but hopefully the resources and discussion ideas have application beyond that school setting. In the secondary school context, The Narrow Bridge has an array of teaching and learning applications. It could be screened as a stand-alone unit or as an adjunct to an area of study with overlapping themes. This guide is intended to be adapted as required; it is deliberately broad and open-ended, with the idea that teachers will pick and choose resources and activities that are useful and relevant. Most tasks can be situated in the Key Learning Areas of:
- English
- Health & Physical Education
- Humanities
- Media Arts
- Psychology
- Politics (including International Relations)
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