Knowing the Score (2022), a documentary directed by Janine Hosking, tells the story of Simone Young AM, one of the world’s great contemporary conductors, who has conquered the white-male-dominated world of classical music by wielding her wit, determination, sense of humour and baton. The documentary traces the many highs and lows of Young’s career, from young trailblazer to a woman midcareer and at the top of her game until the shock rejection in 2005 when her contract was not renewed by Opera Australia.
A documentary for our times, Knowing the Score celebrates and laments the tough yet inspiring journey Young has taken as a woman determined to be her best. She reminds us how artists positively impact society. What, after all, do we rely on to get us through the toughest times if not music, song and dance?
Curriculum Links:
Knowing the Score is suitable viewing for students in Years 9–12. The documentary can be used as a resource in:
Teachers should consult the Australian Curriculum and curriculum outlines relevant to these learning areas in their state or territory.
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