In Black Chicks Talking, six Indigenous Australian women meet for dinner. During a gourmet Indigenous meal, they discuss their lives in an intimate, sometimes harrowing, and joyful account. The film provides glimpses of each woman's background and insights into their very varied lives. From the winners throne of Miss Australia; to the warm waters of the Buccaneer archipelago; to the dormitory on Cherbourg Mission, we move through a range of settings.
Themes of culture, identity and denial run through the womens' stories. They reveal a legacy of past government 'Protection' Acts and policies when Indigenous people were moved from their traditional lands, and 'mixed race' children (now known as The Stolen Generations) were institutionalised with disastrous consequences.
Rosanna Angus, Cilla Malone, Deborah Mailman, Kathryn Hay and Tammy Williams talk to the director, Leah Purcell, about their extraordinary lives in a passionate and challenging exploration of Black Identity.
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