$46.35 (Inc. GST)

In My Blood It Runs (85-min version) (1-Year Rental)

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SKU: SC1524
Year Levels: 10-11
Streaming Content: In My Blood It Runs
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PLEASE NOTE: If paying via purchase order, your 365-day rental period will begin when we approve your order. (Approvals are usually processed regularly during trading hours, but please allow up to two business days.) If paying up-front via credit card or PayPal, you will have access to stream the file in a matter of minutes, and your 365-day rental period will begin straight away.

You will receive an email (separate to your tax invoice) with a link to watch this video once your payment is received (or when we approve your purchase order).

Ten-year-old Dujuan is a child-healer, a good hunter and speaks three languages. Yet Dujuan is 'failing' in school and facing increasing scrutiny from welfare and the police.

As he travels perilously close to incarceration, his family fight to give him a strong Arrernte education alongside his western education lest he becomes another statistic. We walk with him as he grapples with these pressures, shares his truths and somewhere in-between finds space to dream, imagine and hope for his future self.

After sold out premieres at Hot Docs Toronto, DOC NYC, Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals and the United Nations, this much anticipated film is a wake up call for the Australian education system told from the rarely heard perspective of an Aboriginal child.

Running time: 85 mins

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