For all the 2024 VCE Media Unit 3 packs in one, visit this page.
This sample school assessed coursework assessment for the outcome 'Narratives and their Contexts' - Video Essays has been designed to have students approach a broad range of the key knowledge and skills, reflect exam-style questions and be accessible to differing abilities.
Many schools will choose to assess students using a modified version of one of the three SACs provided. Some schools will choose to use both the Narratives SAC and the Contexts SAC for a 40 mark assessment. Schools that exclusively assessed Narratives in their Video Essay assessment may choose to focus on Contexts for this written SAC (or vice versa). To join the discussion and learn how other schools are assessing students, please visit the ATOM Facebook group.
Assessment includes an assignment and a rubric for a Video Essays SAC. This also includes a modified version for unscored students.
This sample SAC has been created by experienced Media VCE teachers to reflect the current Media study design (2024). It includes carefully written prompts and questions that reflect the changes in the study design and a marking rubric.
The sample SAC is a powerful class resource which allows students to prepare for assessment tasks. It also provides teachers with a sample template to create their own school-assessed coursework.
NB: The 2024 ATOM SAC resources are not an official VCAA documents and should only be used as guiding documents. Any material used for VCE assessment should be modified so it is appropriate to your cohort of students.
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