$7.50 (Inc. GST)

Anzac Lessons: Teaching World War I in the Digital Age

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SKU: 02455-SE78

Events across the nation and the world are currently marking the centenary of one of the most remarkable conflicts in our shared military history, World War I. Two recent Australian exhibitions have revealed the tragedy, triumph and legacy of the war to visitors young and old. Susanna Nelson speaks to the experts behind these exhibitions about the importance of educating today's students on the profound reality and far-reaching significance of the Great War.

Additional keywords:
first world war, WWI remembered, middle years, senior secondary, history, Nigel Steel, Melbourne Museum, The WW1 Centenary Exhibition, War Pictures: Australians at the Cinema, ACMI, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Fiona Trigg, cinema history, Australian cinema, newsreels, propaganda, centenary, WWI resources.

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