Every weekend, whether confused by alcohol, peer pressure or just the feeling that they are invincible and that it could never happen to them, thousands of Australian teenagers play dice with their futures.
In this educational video, fifty Year 9 students – along with Student Wellbeing staff from five Catholic and Independent Schools in the Western Region of Melbourne – participated in the Think About It! Project.
These young people engaged in education and discussion of safety issues such as violence and consequences, alcohol abuse, dangerous risk-taking and how to keep safe when out. This DVD and the study guide can be used as educational resources to stimulate discussion amongst young people to foster a greater awareness of the issue of dangerous risk-taking.
This resource has been developed for Student Wellbeing Education. The content will help students develop pro-social and responsible actions. The presentations educate and encourage students to make mindful decisions, especially when it comes to alcohol and risky activities. Think About It! could also be used in the Health and Physical Education Syllabus (PDHPE in NSW), as it deals with aspects of a healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: alcohol, teenagers, acute alcohol poisoning, drunk, drunkenness, drunk driving, drinking, trauma, accidents, risk-taking, safety, peer pressure, positive peer pressure, positive risk taking, teens, law, legal, violence, self defence, krav maga, social wellbeing, student wellbeing
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