Shayda (2023) tells the story of Shayda, a brave Iranian mother, who finds refuge in a women’s shelter with her six-year-old daughter Mona. Over Persian New Year, Shayda and Mona find joy in Nowruz rituals and new beginnings, until a court order jeopardises their path to freedom. Drawn from personal experiences, Niasari’s debut feature is a portrayal of courage and compassion that captures the vulnerability and confliction of Shayda as she boldly reclaims her human rights: to divorce her husband, keep her child, and dress as she chooses.
Curriculum Links:
Shayda is suitable viewing for students in Years 10–12 in:
- English
- Health
- Legal Studies
- Literature
- Media
- Sociology
Shayda is also relevant viewing for students undertaking certificate and tertiary courses in Children and Family Services, Community Services, Social Work, Sociology, Media, Film and Journalism.
While the study guide has been specifically written for teachers and students, some of the suggested activities may support the professional learning of community health workers and facilitate discussions in programs supporting people who have experienced domestic and family violence.
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