Throughout history, rivers have shaped our landscapes and our journeys; flowed through our cultures and dreams. River takes its audience on a journey through space and time; spanning six continents, and drawing on extraordinary contemporary cinematography, including satellite filming, the film shows rivers on scales and from perspectives never seen before. Its union of image, music and sparse, poetic script create a film that is both dream-like and powerful, honouring the wildness of rivers but also recognising their vulnerability.
A profound cinematic and musical reflection on how rivers have shaped both the planet's elaborate landscapes and all human existence. River is the second of a planned trilogy of feature documentaries that explores the impact of the landscape on the human heart. The first, Mountain, was released in 2017.
Curriculum Links:
River specifically links to the Geography curriculum. It is suitable for secondary classes years 7-10, and serves as a stimulus for students to:
- Explore the influence of water in the formation of landforms
- Explore the importance of sediment transport to creating fertile valleys for agriculture
- Discuss the relationship between people and rivers
- Consider the environmental, cultural and economic importance of rivers around the world
- Evaluate the pros and cons associated with altering natural river systems
Further links to:
River offers an interesting text to explore within the Arts areas of Music and Media Arts for years 7–10.
While many activities across this Study Guide are specifically intended for certain subjects or year levels, as indicated with each header, these tasks can be modified to suit different cross-curricular purposes as the teacher sees fit.
Teachers are advised to consult the Australian Curriculum and curriculum outlines relevant to their state or territory for further information.
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