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Front Page 2018 Primary Resource Guide

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SKU: SG1512

Fairfax Media and the Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) present Front Page: the news of the future – schools competition for all Australian primary and secondary school students. The competition is designed to encourage Australian students to write and design their own school newspaper that reflects the changing landscape of media and publishing. The newspaper should be an idea of what a school newspaper of the future could look like.

Curriculum links

The FRONT PAGE schools newspaper competition is relevant to many areas of the Australian Curriculum, specifically:

  • MEDIA ARTS in the Australian Curriculum- Years 4-10 and, specifically Years 9 and 10 Content 
  • VISUAL ARTS in the Australian Curriculum - Years 4-10
  • ENGLISH in the Australian Curriculum -Years 4-10 Language, specifically, Language for interaction, Expressing and developing ideas, Text structure and organisation, and Literacy, specifically, Texts in context, Interacting with others, Interpreting, analysing, evaluating, and Creating texts
  • HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES in the Australian Curriculum - Years 4-10, the Key ideas of all strands but specifically those in Years 7-10 History and Civics and citizenship
  • SCIENCE in the Australian Curriculum - Years 4-10, specifically those in Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills
  • TECHNOLOGIES in the Australian Curriculum - Years 4-10, specifically those in Design and Technology and Digital Technologies
  • HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION in the Australian Curriculum - Years 4-10, specifically those in Personal, Social and Community Health and Digital Technologies

The FRONT PAGE schools newspaper competition is also relevant to many curriculum areas in the senior secondary school years in all states, especially English, Media, Visual Arts, Social Sciences, Technology and Science. It has much cross-curriculum relevance and could also be used in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program- Exhibition and Middle Years Program- Project.

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