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Son of a Lion (ATOM Study Guide)

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SKU: SG529
Year Levels: 8-12
Streaming Content: Son of a Lion

Sher Alam Afridi and his eleven-year-old son Niaz live in the wild passes of the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Niaz's mother died when he was an infant.

Like most men in the village of Darra Adam Khel, Sher Alam has a workshop making weapons, ranging from small arms to the AK47. He expects that one day Niaz will take over the family business, just as he did from his own father. Niaz does not want to follow in his father's footsteps. He is bored by the daily routine of learning his father's trade and running errands. Niaz wants to go to school.

Niaz's uncle, Baktiyar Afridi wants to enroll Niaz in school. Sher Alam is opposed to the idea. What was good enough for Sher Alam and his father before him is good enough for Niaz.

Bullied by an older boy, Pite, and unable to confront his father about what he wants, Niaz becomes frustrated and despondent. He receives a letter from his cousin Anousha but, unable to read it himself, he takes it to his friend Agha Jaan, a poet who lives in an Afghan refugee camp. Agha Jaan tells Niaz that his cousin from Peshawar is coming to visit. Surprised that Niaz cannot read, Agha Jaan gently chides Niaz about his lack of schooling. Later, when the men of the village gather to discuss world politics over tea and at the barber, the conversation turns to the conflict between Sher Alam and Niaz. Sher Alam is displeased that the entire village is casting judgement on him.

When Niaz visits Peshawar for a dental appointment, he takes advantage of his stay in the bustling city, including his first ever visit to the cinema and a meeting with the boys at a local school. These experiences leave Niaz feeling all the more certain about pursuing his dreams rather than his father's expectations.

Back in Darra tension builds between father and son, and when Pite is badly injured by a falling bullet the situation reaches crisis point. In the aftermath both father and son are able to see each other more clearly and Sher Alam finally asks Niaz how long it will take to learn to read and write.

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