Five award-winning Australian playwrights talk candidly about their best-known plays. Each writer reveals their writing process and discusses the themes and characters within their work. The dynamic presenter, Dr Tess Brady, provides a critical commentary for each play.
The DVD contains ten films of five-minutes duration.
Jack Hibberd talks about bringing down the fourth wall in Dimboola and the existential clown in A Stretch of the Imagination.
Debra Oswald explores the ugly ducking story underlying Dags and talks about the relationship of a father and daughter in Mr Bailey's Minder.
Matt Cameron discusses the dark side of suburbia in Ruby Moon and explores the nature of indifference in Tear from a Glass Eye.
Katherine Thomson talks about our relationship to land and history in Wonderlands and the end of old style unionism in Harbour.
Ray Lawler talks about writing Australia onto the stage in Summer of the Seventeenth Doll and talks about becoming a playwright in Finding a Way.
View the trailer here.
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