In a forbidden valley 100 kilometres from Sydney runs a river where the wild horses run free ... but for how long? Two men will try to find a way to save them.
Luke Carlon is a man at home in the wild. His heritage is closely linked to the free-flowing Coxs River, a New South Wales region of impassable beauty and rugged gorges, a place where his family has ridden horses since the 1820s. But all that ended when the river was declared a wilderness area, his family's trail-riding company dissolved and Luke's stunthorseman father passed away.
Despite the difficult history between the National Parks and the Carlon family, Ranger Chris Banffy has a problem Luke might be able to solve. A wily mob of brumbies (wild horses) inhabit the Burragorang valley, a water catchment area sealed off to the general public for over fifty years. Classed as feral pests, National Parks head office needs Chris to remove the animals from Sydney's water supply without any of the outcry that has marred some previous control operations using shooters in helicopters. Unlike any other horse relocation program in Australia, the only access to the trap-yards is either by helicopter or horseback.
If Luke takes the job he will have to find the horses, get them in the trap, then break them in enough to lead them a bone-crunching 5 kilometres up to another set of yards with truck access.
Can Luke prove himself to the ghosts of his past and lead the horses to safety and a new home without injuring them or his crew of dedicated stockmen? Can Ranger Chris make Luke stick to the rules? Can Luke and Chris learn to work together and see the world through each other's eyes?
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