Buy the award-winning Directing the Hero Within educational kit for only AU$99 and save AU$100 instantly!
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The award winning Directing the Hero Within DVD & Teacher's Starter Kit provide a step-by-step introduction to digital media literacy across all stages of production; from first idea to finished film. In a format that is relevant and entertaining to young people, the package covers; Story, Camera, Sound, Screen Language, Editing & Screening. There are also professional tips on storytelling devices, identifying your audience, the ethics of filmmaking, media analysis, editing wizardry and web distribution.
Directing the Hero Within is a unique and ground-breaking digital story telling project designed for Australian young people.
Encompassing video workshops, teacher professional development, a fun DVD, Teacher Curriculum Guide, an Interactive website and Youth Film Festival, Directing the Hero Within is an initiative of tallstoreez productionz and the South Australian Film Corporation.
Through hands-on digital storytelling Directing the Hero Within invites young people to creatively claim their future.
The Directing the Hero Within DVD & Teacher's Starter Kit Package provide a step-by-step introduction to digital media literacy across all stages of production; from first idea to finished film.
A 10-week curriculum guide supports teachers to get the most out of digital media in their classroom.
Nine short films on the DVD showcase the rich talent of Australia's regional young people. By following the behind-the-scenes clips the viewer is rewarded with delightful insights into the filmmaker's own learning and plus they themselves find the inspiration to make their own digital story.
The DVD & Teacher's Starter Kit package is designed for emerging filmmakers, classrooms and youth groups. It is suitable for the absolute beginner or those who want to skill up on a particular aspect of digital storytelling. Featuring dramatic regional landscapes, a dynamic young host and a funky design the Directing the Hero Within package is a high quality digital media experience.
True to the Directing the Hero Within philosophy is community. The DVD & Teacher's Starter Kit package is the first step for young people, teachers and filmmakers to join a supportive and dynamic digital media network via the website http://www.directingthehero.com.
Produced in South Australia by South Australian filmmakers, students and educators Directing the Hero Within is leading the way in:
• promoting youth empowerment and identity
• supporting peer education
• developing new strategies for school retention
• providing media literacy programs across the curriculum
• bridging the digital gap using IT and social documentary
• investing in creative digital learning tools
• encouraging vibrant online youth digital storytelling communities
• supporting youth participation in the community through documentary practise
• empowering regional and marginalized communities
For more information please contact us at info@tallstoreez.com .
A partnership of South Australian Film Corporation, Department for Families and Communities, Office for Youth, SAYAB, Country Arts SA, Arts SA, Come Out Youth Arts Festival and tallstoreez productions.
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