This offbeat series follows the exploits of a group of young Aboriginal men as they travel across the central desert in their clapped-out cars. In each episode, the Bush Mechanics are faced with a new set of challenges and a host of mechanical problems, which they solve with inventive bush repair techniques.
Combining adventure, magic realism and a distinctive brand of Indigenous humour, Bush Mechanics – The Series provides an insight into both contemporary and traditional Aboriginal culture.
Motorcar Ngutju: The Bush Mechanics form a rock band and their first paying gig is a half-day's drive away – now they just have to get there.
Payback: The Bush Mechanics travel to Alice Springs to collect their nephew from jail and wind up having their own brush with the law.
The Chase: After their coach's car is stolen by a rival football team, the Bush Mechanics set off in high-octane pursuit of the culprits.
The Rainmakers: With the country in the grip of severe drought, the Bush Mechanics go on a distant journey to Broome in search of rainmaking pearl shells.
Approximate running time: 110 minutes.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers should exercise caution when watching this program as it may contain images of deceased persons.
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