An entertaining comedy/drama series confronting the experiences, problems and potential of the internet for today's young people, facing issues of identity and pressures to conform to unrealistic media images.
At the heart of the story are Saskia, a fourteen-year-old budding musician living in Australia, and Noah, a fourteen-year-old computer geek living in London. Once they meet online in Webweave – an internet chat room – they change each other's lives from half a world away. By projecting their ideal selves in a virtual world, they get a little closer to reaching their ideals in the real one.
A mixture of live action, animation and visual FX, Noah & Saskia is set in Melbourne (Australia), London (England) and Webweave (Cyberspace). It includes thirteen episodes, a trailer, extra scenes and 'The Making of Noah & Saskia'.
Click here to view a trailer for Noah & Saskia.
This resource would be most suitable for use in curriculum area of English.
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