$7.50 (Inc. GST)

Out of the Trenches: Kriv Stenders on 'Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan' and Revisiting History

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SKU: 03727-M202

A Queensland production over a decade in the making, Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan is a bold yet intimate Anzac war drama that sidesteps politics in favour of saluting Aussie brotherhood and bravery in times of conflict. Oliver Pfeiffer speaks to director Kriv Stenders about his experience of working with scribe Stuart Beattie – who previously penned Collateral and Tomorrow, When the War Began – to finally do big-screen justice to this curiously overlooked Australian chapter of the Vietnam War.

Additional keywords:
dramatisation, post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, Harry Smith, Lex McAulay, jingoism, patriotism, Apocalypse Now.

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