Complete teaching unit, including assessment, for the iconic Australian film, The Castle (Rob Sitch, 1997). The narrative feature film charts the legal battle of proud family man and Aussie battler, Darryl Kerrigan, as he takes on the 'big guns' of the government to protect his beloved home.
This comprehensive Teacher Pack equips educators of secondary students (Years 10–12) with all that's needed to deliver high-quality learning experiences which unpack the key representations constructed in this powerful film, especially those relating to the importance of home and family, gender, mateship, and the 'underdog', with outcomes focused on students producing an analytical essay assessment task.
Contents (5 digital/editable/printable files ready for immediate download and use):
- Teacher Guide (29-page PDF)
- Unit overview
- Learning Goals and Success Criteria
- Suggested Lesson Outline
- Teacher Answer Guide to all Student Booklet activities (including sample essay contention, three key ideas and sample body paragraph)
- Analytical Essay writing/assessment task
- Student Booklet (23-page PDF and DOCX)
- Pre-viewing activities – journal on 'home' and concept of 'compulsory acquisition'
- Archetypal narratives, narrative film conventions
- Key terminology
- Representations in texts
- Close-up on representations of aspects of life in Australia in other texts
- Representations in The Castle
- Cultural context of the film
- Viewing activities – opening credits, narrator, mockumentary style, plot, characters, use of humour, representations in the film
- Post-viewing – representations of gender – fatherhood, David vs Goliath allegory, close analysis of quotation on home/castle
- Assessment task: Analytical Essay – structure, the writing process, approaching the question (including sample essay question, sample contention/thesis, three key ideas and sample body paragraph), assessment task sheet, analytical essay planning template, analytical essay checklist
- Teaching Presentation (21-slide PPTX and Key [for macOS users])
- Discussion starters
- Narratives – archetypal narratives, narrative film conventions/structure
- Representations in texts
- Representations in The Castle
- Analytical Essay writing – cognitive verb 'analyse', analytical essay structure, the Writing Process, approaching the question, sample body paragraph
Unit duration: 20+ lessons (including assessment)
Curriculum Links:
The Teacher Pack can be linked to the following areas within the Australian Curriculum:
- English
- Media Studies
In addition, the Teacher Pack relates to the following General Capabilities within the Australian Curriculum:
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- Literacy
- Digital/editable/printable files delivered in a single ZIP file (2× PDF, 1× DOCX, 1× PPTX, 1× KEY)
- Professionally designed by an experienced educator
- Highly visual and engaging
- Suited to all learners
- Crisp, clean layouts
- A range of whole class, group work and individual learning resources
Please Note: This comprehensive Teacher Pack has been designed for teachers to use with the film The Castle but does not include the film as part of the pack. The film has a running time of 85 minutes and is classified M (coarse language). Please check your country's classification for this film prior to use with students.
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