This teaching unit is based upon the 2021 feature film, Don't Look Up, directed by Adam McKay. The film imagines contemporary society's likely reaction to news of a comet hurtling towards earth, certain to wipe out humanity. The film acts as a confrontingly-stark warning about the influence of politics, big business, and the media in our lives, along with science denial and our unwillingness to act in the face of incontrovertible truths.
In whose interests do those in power act? Can the media be trusted? Why are we unwilling to believe science? What is truth? This comprehensive Teacher Pack – Don't Look Up equips educators of upper secondary students with a range of tools to deliver high-quality learning experiences, including a range of five analytical assessment options.
Contents (5 digital/editable/printable files ready for immediate download and use):
- Teacher Guide (35-page PDF)
- Unit overview
- Inquiry Questions
- Suggested Lesson Outline
- Teacher Answer Guide to all Student Booklet
- Assessment – Analytical Essay (choice of five options
- Student Booklet (29-page PDF and DOCX)
- Pre-viewing activities
- Viewing activities
- Post-viewing activities
- Representations in texts
- Assessment – Analytical Essay (choice of five options) – including templates and assessment resources
- Teaching Presentation (26-slide PPTX and Key [for macOS users])
- Discussion starters ×4
- What is narrative film? (archetypal narratives, representations in film, narrative film conventions)
- Pre-viewing, During-viewing and Post-viewing resources
- Close analysis resources
- Assessment resources – 'to analyse', analytical essay structure guide, the writing process
Unit duration: 15+ lessons
Curriculum Links:
The Teacher Pack can be linked to the following areas within the Australian Curriculum:
- English
- Media
In addition, the Teacher Pack relates to the following General Capabilities within the Australian Curriculum:
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- Personal and Social Capability
- Ethical Understanding
- Literacy
- Digital/editable/printable files delivered in a single ZIP file (2× PDF, 1× DOCX, 1× PPTX, 1× KEY)
- Professionally designed by an experienced educator
- Highly visual and engaging
- Suited to all learners
- Crisp, clean layouts
- A range of whole class, group work and individual learning resources
Please Note: This comprehensive Teacher Pack has been designed for teachers to use with the film Don't Look Up but does not include the film as part of the pack. The film has a running time of 2 hours and 18 minutes and is classified M. Please check your country's classification for this film prior to use with students.
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