Conservative media outlets at home and abroad are consistently accused of bias by left-wing observers, just as right-wing commentators such as Andrew Bolt have repeatedly charged the ABC with bias against the Coalition. The question of media bias isn't whether or not it exists, writes Myke Bartlett, but rather how to identify it and apply critical thinking to media organisations on all points of the political spectrum.
Additional keywords: Teaching media, middle years, senior secondary, politics, political spectrum, conservative, liberal, newspapers, Labor, Greens, Crikey, The Age, The Australian, New Matilda, The Guardian, The Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph, Media Watch, Julia Gillard, John Howard, Tony Abbott, whistleblowers, Frances Abbott, The Sydney Morning Herald, NT News, Barry Spurr, reporting, objectivity, neutrality, Nova Peris, journalism, The Conversation, Nick Davies, Sharri Markson, Fox News, Barack Obama.
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