Angel Boy is a set of digital, multimodal animated books devised to engage students in multiliteracies, media genres and creating digital texts. It is a completely new kind of text, and is suitable for use in English, Media Studies and Visual Arts classes.
The stories focus on gothic and supernatural themes, as well as teenage issues such as bullying and loneliness, and will appeal very much to upper primary and secondary students up to sixteen.
Angel Boy, by Shoo Fly Publishing in the UK, is a very unusual, engaging and imaginative CD-ROM that comprises four animated books, a teacher's book, and extensive teacher resources including the Interactive Library of activities and a Resource Bank of over 300 photographs, clip art and sounds referenced to subject areas such as literacy, art and design, music, religious education, geography and
This study guide covers Book 1: Angel Boy, Book 2: Seal Skull, Book 3: Wade and Book 4: Gothic Tale.
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