Cinema for Claustrophiles: Virtual Reality at the Adelaide Film Festival and Beyond
Add to WishlistVirtual reality promises escalated levels of immersion and interactivity – yet, in its current teething stages, exemplars of the form remain tethered to the conventions and constraints of traditional, filmic storytelling. Kit MacFarlane examines four Australian VR titles to illuminate developments in this still-nascent but increasingly popular medium.
Additional keywords:
Carriberrie, Dominic Allen, Aboriginal, Indigenous, immersion, The Unknown Patient, Michael Beets, ANZAC, mystery, hospital, war, Parragirls Past, Present: Unlocking Memories of Institutional 'Care', Lily Hibberd, Bonney Djuric, Jenny McNally, Volker Kuchelmeister, Alex Daviesabuse, Stolen Generations, trauma, royal commission, Summation of Force, Trent Parke, Narelle Autio, Matthew Bate, cricket, sport.
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