Once an important access point for films and social space for cinephiles, DVD rental stores are rapidly approaching extinction, with their numbers dwindling every year as algorithm-driven streaming services overrun the cultural space they once held. Far from just representing technological evolution or a shift in business models, however, the loss of these establishments represents a significant blow for film culture – and the survival of the few independent stores that remain is vital, Gabrielle O'Brien contends.
Additional keywords:
Picture Search Video, video stores, Derek de Vreugt, Blockbuster, Civic Video, Video 2000, Video Ezy, Network Video, Memento, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, memory, nostalgia, Psycho, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, AVRRA, Warner Bros., HBO, Denis Villeneuve, Walt Disney Pictures, The DVD Collection, The Golden Age of Piracy
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