Urban Dreaming is a film about the Wurundjeri nation, urban community promoting and engaging in cultural connection for survival. This mid-feature-length documentary intertwines the dreaming stories and cultural history of urban Dandenong. Urban Dreaming takes you on a journey from the past to the present with a sharp focus on current issues that resonate the generational impact of Australian colonial history. This beautiful film offers a unique insight into Aboriginal health workers' and Elders' wisdom, inspiration and strength in supporting their community to challenge health issues and the root causes. Urban Dreaming honours the effectiveness of Aboriginal health workers working in their community to create positive change and is a listening stick for future approach in closing the gap.
Currlculum links:
This study guide includes activities specifically tailored to Year 7–10 studies of Health and Physical Education, particularly through the Cross-curriculum Priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures.
Other relevant study areas for Years 7–10 students include History, Civics and Citizenship, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages, and the General Capabilities of Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding and Intercultural Understanding.
Urban Dreaming is available to stream here.
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