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100+ Club, The (ATOM Study Guide)

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SKU: SG841
Year Levels: 8-12
Streaming Content: 100+ Club, The

The world's only social club for centenarians, the 100+ Club, has some remarkable members on its books. At a time in their lives when most people have long given up on chasing dreams, Olive (103), Dexter (a spring chicken at 100) and Ruth (101) are on a mission to complete some unfinished business. Ruth – the planet 's oldest competing athlete – is out to break her own world throwing records, all-round entertainer Olive is determined to stage one last performance, while outback author Dexter hopes to finish his fifth and quite possibly final book. Most centenarians insist they 're not terribly special ('age is just a couple of numbers on a piece of paper ') but as The 100+ Club reveals, there 's nothing at all ordinary about this group of Australians.

This study guide is mainly aimed at middle and upper secondary school levels, with relevance to English, Media Studies, SOSE/HSIE, Personal and Interpersonal Development, Health and Human Relations. Other areas of study and research relate to Community and Social Planning, particularly in relation to the ageing of the population over the next century, and what this means for demographics and governmental planning at various levels.

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