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Shitsville Express (ATOM Study Guide)

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SKU: SG1050

Shitsville Express is a six-episode documentary series produced by Cordell Jigsaw Zapruder that investigates Australian ideals, policies and visions for the future. The presenter, provocateur Joe Hildebrand, and four young aspiring Australian politicians board a big red bus called the 'Shitsville Express' and embark on a journey to uncover the contentious issues at the heart of Australian society today.

Each episode focuses on a different issue:

  • Episode 1: Assault
  • Episode 2: Gambling
  • Episode 3: Coal seam gas
  • Episode 4: Transport
  • Episode 5: Cost of housing
  • Episode 6: Future vision

Through the young aspiring politician participants, the series exposes the impassioned and widely extreme viewpoints of everyday Australians. Topics include the impact of alcohol on our society and the violence it ensues, the psychological attraction of gambling and the rising epidemic of players, the sprawling nature of our cities and the isolation caused by inadequate, inferior transport systems, and the environmental crises and political divide caused by coal seam gas mining.

With their values and beliefs challenged, the participants are forced to question their own political standpoint. We see them surprised and perplexed when they encounter opposing views and differing socio-economic lifestyles.

The series appeals as a tool to engender discourse and public debate. It is at this level of self-reflection as a nation and as a citizen of one of the most affluent countries in the world that the series Shitsville Express is particularly pertinent.

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