Oakie's Outback Adventures is an animated Australian feature film written and directed by Troy Dann, the star of the internationally successful television series Outback Adventures with Troy Dann. Troy has long been a champion of outback Australia and its cultural history and heritage. During his career Troy has taken every opportunity to promote the richness of the unique outback landscape.
Oakie's Outback Adventures aims to keep the forgotten stories of the outback alive for future generations. Appealing to children from early years to ten, this is the first all-Australian animated feature film produced in high-definition 3D.
The film and study guide provide a rich resource for students to explore Australian outback themes. Highlighted are the important roles of Indigenous Australians, early settlers, explorers, bushrangers and those involved in the gold rush. This is an excellent, entertaining way to introduce the poetry of AB 'Banjo' Paterson and the stories of Henry Lawson to primary school children. The film's dialogue, with these poems and stories, is full of humour and Australian archetypes, and celebrates the Australian outback and its unique landscape, animals and plants.
Oakie's Outback Adventures could be used in the classroom in the subject areas of:
- Aboriginal Studies
- History
- Science
- Literacy and English
- Visual Art
- Media
- Music
- Drama
- Health and Physical Education
- National Values Education
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