When we're young our dreams lie out in front of us, there for taking, and our plans seem so clear. But, like many of us, Glenn Holland never could have predicted the course his own life would take, when he reluctantly accepts a job as a teacher. A musician and composer consumed with his love for music, Holland's true goal is to write one memorable piece of music to leave his mark on the world. But, instead, he finds his calling in the most unlikely place, sharing his love of music with his students-to let fill their lives, the way it fills his. His students respond to his contagious passion, and as the years unfold, Holland finds himself on an unplanned path. Redefining success and his own dreams, holland realises that his legacy will be greater than he ever dreamed-the hundreds of students he's inspired and the lives he changed. And with the help of his students and his family, Glenn Holland learns that through our lives don't always turn out the way we plan them, life is what happens when you embrace the unexpected.
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