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Kidnapped! (ATOM Study Guide)

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SKU: SG280

Kidnapped! is a film that will appeal to senior secondary students. It delves into the shadowy and bizarre world of the Japan–North Korean abduction cases which have entranced Japan since it recently emerged that the hard line Communist regime of North Korea had been kidnapping Japanese citizens since the 1970s.

Across the Western sphere, this story has managed to catch some disbelieving headlines but without unraveling the truly extraordinary story of the abductees and their families who battled for twenty long years to have their cases recognized. Nor have these headlines understood the role these cases have played in the fragile balance of power in the Asia Pacific region and the impact they are having on global peace and stability. Kidnapped! gives poignant insight into this remarkable series of events mainly through the stories of the families of three abductees, kidnapped during the 1970s and 80s.

The study guide provides activities to help students explore issues and themes including:

• understanding the core values of groups and societies
• empathizing with the distress caused to individuals when a family member disappears without trace
• explaining how diverse cultures and groups value loyalty to country above all else
• considering how public protest can effect long term social and political change
• describing and explaining the responses of governments to issues of human rights
• understanding how political beliefs can influence individual behaviour
• the role of the media in drawing attention to human rights issues
• the role of past hostilities in national behaviour

Curriculum Links:

This documentary will be of specific interest and relevance to teachers and senior secondary students from Years 10–12 studying:

• International Studies
• Studies of Asia
• Cultural Studies
• Political Studies
• Media Studies
• English

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