A year has gone by since we last saw our heroes, and Sam and Ben are thrilled by the surprise arrival of Philipp and Lili in Australia. But as the family enjoy their reunion, a bombshell is dropped when Philipp is arrested and finds himself stuck in Australia for three months awaiting trial. It soon becomes obvious that he's been set up by their cousin Hermann and the only way to deal with the mess is for Ben to return to Germany and assume Baronial duties. But as you'd expect, a teenager from the suburbs is hardly suited to running a castle or fitting easily into the lifestyle of a European aristocrat (no matter how much assistance Sam, Marcus and Lili try to provide). Somehow they all manage to keep their heads above water – just! And along the way there are new adventures, romance, plenty of laughs, many frustrations and lots of fun as they attempt to take control of their destinies. And while they might be out of their depths, will they ever give up trying? In your dreams!
Curriculum Links
This study guide is mainly aimed at lower and middle secondary school levels, with general relevance to English, Film and Media Studies, Drama, Personal and Interpersonal Development, Cultural Studies and Ethics/Values Education.
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