Loving father, brother and loyal friend - Jason King is a 40-year old security guard from the working class Western suburbs of Sydney. in his spare time he is a ghost hunter.
The victim of a violent childhood, Jason has few early memories and the ones he has are fragmented. Jason is convinced the only person who can help him piece together his lost childhood is his father, a man he hasn’t seen for 33 years. Early attempts to uncover any information about his father are frustrated by Jason’s estranged mother’s refusal to give any information. Jason’s hopes are raised when he meets a man introducing himself as his brother. Adopted out at birth, Peter Klement spent years searching for his birth family. Now the two men join forces to track down their father.
But their search suffers a tragic blow when Peter is killed in a car accident. Returning home from the funeral, Jason is visited by his brother’s ghost. This life defining event sets in motion Jason’s fascination with the paranormal and cements his commitment to locate their father. As Jason digs into family records, he starts to put together a picture of a childhood so brutal that it becomes clear why he has pushed it to the innermost recesses of his memory.
Then out of the blue, Jason is contacted by an unexpected ally, leading to a revelation that others are also searching for his father, including the NSW Police. It seems that Jason is not the only one that has suffered at the hands of his family. In his determination to uncover the truth, Jason will draw inspiration from encounters with other victims, uncover more family members and find strength in helping mend the haunted lives of others. Jason’s final encounter with his father and culmination of Jason’s search takes place amid the charged atmosphere of family denials, recriminations, a police investigation and court proceedings.
Ghosthunter is a real–life ghost story of one man confronting the past in order to reclaim his future. It is an emotional, peculiar and at times darkly humorous journey of catharsis through haunted lives - culminating in a confrontation with inner demons and the first steps on the road to healing.
Curriculum Links
‘Ghosthunter’ can be linked to the following senior
subject areas:
• Health and Physical Education
• Psychology
• Social Studies
Please note: Ghosthunter contains occasional course language and references to rape, child abuse, and suicide. As such, it is recommended for senior students only, and teachers should hold a pre-viewing and post-viewing discussion with students regarding these concepts. Ghosthunter may be particularly triggering for those viewers who have been affected by childhood trauma. For help and support, please contact the relevant specialist service in your local area or 24 hour crisis support if in immediate need.
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