The conflict in Darfur, the western region of Sudan, entered its seventh year in 2010, despite a 2006 peace agreement between the government and one of the factions of the rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). According to the UN, as many as 300 000 people may have died since the beginning of the conflict. The clashes have displaced millions of people, causing them to move to other regions of Darfur or Sudan, or across borders, such as to Eastern Chad. Since 2003, the complex conflict in Darfur has affected 4.7 million people. Darfur is currently the largest humanitarian emergency in the world.
In January 2009, the International Criminal Court issued two arrest warrants against President Omar al-Bashir, for alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes, for allegedly orchestrating atrocities in Darfur. In July 2010, a further arrest warrant was issued against the Sudanese President, for genocide. Despite these warrants, al-Bashir has not yet been arrested by an ICC member.
Global Citizenship
- Acceptance of Diversity
- Children's Rights (Human Rights), Responsibilities
- Violation of Rights (the Darfur example) and
- Making a difference, social justice, social action, global community.
Suggested teaching and learning experiences aim to lead to the development of the following understandings or 'big ideas' by the end of this unit of inquiry.
- We are all world citizens with common needs and important rights and responsibilities.
- Conflict can affect access to human rights.
- We are all connected in a global community and each have the power to contribute to our community in positive ways in order to promote social justice.
The central ideas are broken down into lines of inquiry or contributing ideas that students investigate. Each one makes up part of the central idea.
- Although there is great diversity amongst children throughout the world, there are also many similarities, and some common needs.
- All children throughout the world are entitled to a set of important universal rights.
- Not all children have equal access to the set of universal rights.
- In some countries, the rights of children are violated.
- The conflict in Darfur affects children's access to their universal rights.
- The ongoing conflict in Darfur has many serious consequences for children, families and communities.
- We all have the ability, and as global citizens we have a responsibility, to help the world's children to achieve social justice.
Learning experiences aim to assist students to develop the following attitudes and values:
- acceptance of diversity
- sensitivity to others who may have experienced loss and/or trauma
- tolerance and respect for others and for differing points of view
- awareness and willingness to play a part of promoting social justice.
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